Simple Git Commands

1 minute read


Login & Pull

Set your git user email for every repository on your computer

$ git config --global ""

Set your git username for every repository on your computer

$ git config --global "zyinghua"

Clone from github/gitlab, etc…:

$ git clone

Pull from the repository cloned while staying in that clone (which contains .git):

$ git pull

Commit & Push

  1. Check Status (between the platform and the local repo):

    $ git status

  2. Add a newly affected file:

    $ git add newFile.txt

  3. Add ALL newly affected files:

    $ git add .

  4. Commit the changes:

    $ git commit -m "Comment message goes here..."

  5. Push the changes:

    $ git push

Branch & Merge

To check all the branches:

$ git branch

To add a new branch:

$ git branch branchname

To change to a specific branch:

$ git checkout branchname

Once commited in a non-main branch, the changes will not be visible to the other branches! Until the merge.

To create a new empty file:

$ touch filename.html (or txt, etc...)

To edit the file in git bash:

$ nano filename.html

To show differences between the current branch and the other one:

$ git diff otherbranchname (e.g. main)

To merge branches:

Switch to the main branch ($ git checkout main), and then: $ git merge branchname


Sometimes you would want to revert to a previous commit. To do so, first check the commit history and obtain the commit ID (e.g., a6b1234), then:

$ git reset --hard <commit_id>

$ git push --force