Conda Setup Diary

3 minute read


This is the general steps on top of my head, that I followed to set up the conda environment on a computing server for a new user account, which might be commonly encountered when doing AI research.


Leetcode 33: Search in Rotated Sorted Array

2 minute read


General Idea

Basically on top of binary search, we make use of the first item in the list, which gives information about whether the smallest is on the left or right side of the current chosen [mid], and handle each case by case. To clarify: If no rotate is made, the algorithm just works as usual.

Leetcode 142: Linked List Cycle II

4 minute read


This question is asking for the node where the cycle begins if there’s any, without modifying the list. It may comes less intuitive at the first glance, therefore we need some kind of algorithms that can detect the cycle in a different way.